Friday, February 15, 2008

I am what I am because of who we all are!

Yes. I installed the new revolutionary Linux distribution called "UBUNTU" that's caught everybody's imagination. No. I'm not slowly but steadily turning into an open source geek. It's just that I'm not entirely satisfied with anything these days.

The last time I installed Linux was when I got a dangerous virus in the windows installation, causing all the data to be lost. "Install some Antivirus no, dumbo". Yeah, that's like saying "go to the gym, you'll look better". Things that I somehow never get around to doing. The distribution I installed last time was Fedora. It probably did many things well, but there was that one single power cut that fried the entire file system. The thing couldn't handle one stupid power cut. Being in Bangalore, it's a crucial thing that any system should be able to handle.

Much like being in a support job or a security job, these operating system companies run under extremely high pressure. People never forget the one thing that you did wrong, even if you did a million things right. Even when you did something right, you're simply keeping things the way they're supposed to be, you're not adding any value. If you're in a support job, do what I did: write scripts  to do your job automatically and go to sleep!

Anyway, why did I install Ubuntu today? Don't say it, I'll take the pain myself.  "Dumbo. Big fat dumbo." Ok. This system, my friends said, is far more user friendly than anything else you might have ever seen. Of course, it's not like you can install it and teach mom to use the web cam before going abroad for many years. But it's pretty great. Linux for humans, finally!

I'm thrown a bit off-balance when I write this. I just had the most incredibly exciting day at work, with my valentine. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005! And now I'm back at home, working around with the open source revolution UBUNTU. This thing is bloody fast, lightweight and gorgeous looking. Hopefully, it can maintain its impression for a long long time before it gets dismissed as "another thing that doesn't come from Microsoft".

Swaroop Murthy

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