Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Roop, The Almost Project Manager

College Kids: Hello Sir. We are from XYZ college Sir. We are looking to do some interesting project here Sir. Your manager said that you are the technical one, Sir. So, can you give us a nice project Sir?

Another College Kid: It has to be nice, Sir.

Me: OK. I can do that. Can you give me some idea of what kind of project you're looking to work on?

College Kid: Yes Sir. Our HOD said it should not have database Sir. Give us anything that does not have database Sir.

Me: OK. Actually none of the official projects that are going on, nor the upcoming ones satisfy that requirement of yours. I mean, everything we do is on database only. So, I'll give you a project from a certification exam called SCJD(Sun Certified Java Developer). It's the (second) toughest certification exam for Java technologies. The project's called URLyBird Hotel Manager.

College Kid: Aiyyo.

Me: What happened?

College Kid: The project should not be about any sort of management Sir. Aiyyo. Is there something with networks, encryptions or protocols?

Me: OK, Sure. Let us build an online messenger. We'll build a distributable client application that connects to a socket server. First, we'll do text messaging between clients. If we have time, we'll encrypt conversations using "BlueFish encryption". If we still have time, we'll have voice over IP protocols.

College Kid: That sounds very nice Sir. But messengers are already there no, Sir?

Me: Oh you've got to be kidding me! You want to build something that nobody ever built? For a college project?

College Kid: Oh, OK Sir. We'll get back to you.

Doesn't this remind you of the useful part of college days, project work? I, for one, surely wanted to build something that would change the way the world works, make the earth stop and rotate in the opposite direction. It is nice to have an imagination that's not restricted by the harsh realities of this industry. It's all database and management in here.

Anyway, these college kids seem to have lost their way back home. I'm guessing they got lost and were kidnapped by aliens who say stuff like "We try to make our organization feel like a flat, non-hierarchical one. Even though I'm your boss and I own your soul. So we do not address people as 'Sir' and all. OK?" I don't know what actually happened to them. Why would they not get back to me? It's the aliens, definitely.

1 comment:

Gaurav Menghani said...

Dude(s).. I love all your posts, and I kinda identify with you... Please keep posting!