Friday, February 23, 2007

Abhi goes to Blood Diamond..

(Pavan, Abhishek and me are watching Blood Diamond at PVR)

(111 minutes have passed since the movie started..)

Abhi: eh..i have a doubt.. Who is this actress ?
Ketan: Jennifer Connelly
Abhi: Isn't that the name of the movie?
Ketan: No dude!!!, we are watching Blood Diamond
Abhi: (is shocked and starts laughing loudly..) ok
(then Abhi asks Pavan to confirm)


Hungry said...

We should start Abhi's story or say a story with both Abhi and Sudhi as the main characters

Anonymous said...

i can almost see abhi's "huh? really? stop fooling around with me coz i'm fat" expression