Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Weekly Review - The State of Fear

I know I am late by about 2 years to write this, but what the hell?

If you have read Crichton's Congo, Sphere or Timeline you will definitely be disappointed of this book. Micheal Crichton's novel the State of Fear is, well, almost there. It is not exactly your kick-ass-sci-fi-action-and-what-not Michael Crichton novel, not completely. It is somewhat there. For example, the novel is too much of a science journal than a novel, which is fine if there was just as much action too. At the end of the day, if I wanted to know about Global Warming, or the lack of it, I would go read the journals myself online. Apart from that, the book is an OK read. There is no Levine or Malcolm or Marek or Harry in this book, as in no character that is worth remembering. A very seemingly annoying pedantic government agent who always speaks politically correct is the only striking character. Apart from that, the characters are mundane.

If you are a hardcore Crichton fan, you wouldn't mind reading this book. Otherwise, don't judge the author just from this one book. I am sure this is just an "one off" book that he wrote!

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